January, 2025

Sign Up for the Courage Classic and Make Your First Donation!

2025 Registration Now Open: Signing Up for the Courage Classic!

Welcome, 2025!


The new year is here, bringing fresh opportunities to improve and set new goals. Why not kick off the year by signing up for the Courage Classic and making your first donation to get started? As we enter January, many people set resolutions, and a common one is to ride their bike every day—even if it’s just a small beginning. With plenty of time to train before the event on July 19th, there’s no need to rush just yet. Many members of the Wheels team are already taking advantage of Denver’s mild temperatures to ride around the city. To join in, follow the Wheels team page on Strava at https://www.strava.com/clubs/6948 and participate in the group rides. As biking season approaches, more regularly scheduled training rides will be available.

What are your goals for the year? Is it miles, dollars, or both?

Team Goal: $750,000
Place Earned: #1

In 2024, the Wheels of Justice raised $683,000, with three team members placing in the top 10—what an achievement!

Amber, Nadine, and Gabe made us proud!

Thanks to all our supporters, we surpassed $6,936,000 in funds raised for the CCBD!

We wouldn’t be where we are today without the generous support of our sponsors:

Our deepest gratitude goes to the Maniatis Family for honoring us with the memory of their son and brother, Will. His story will stay with us far longer than the time he spent with you.

As we look back on the successes of the past year, we must push even harder to reach new heights. Let’s aim high in 2025 and exceed our goals!

Team Goal: $750,000
Place Earned: #1

Many thanks, Nadine!

Thank you to our Sponsors!

Forever Martha Strong

Wheels of Justice is devoted to raising funds and awareness for pediatric cancer and blood disorders.  Each year we honor  patients and families  from The Center For Cancer and Blood Disorders (CCBD).  In 2025, we are privileged to honor Martha Riedel. Martha was an avid mountain biker and Wheels cyclist, an artist of every medium she could find, and a loving sister and daughter. Martha will forever be 20 years old, dying from Ewings Sarcoma on April 15, 2022. Martha rode with Wheels in some capacity every year after her diagnosis at 13, she went through many many therapies, multiple relapses, multiple trials, and never stopped searching for the next plan to attack and destroy her cancer. She was an immovable advocate for herself in her treatment and we will try our best to honor her as we commit to finding treatments and cures.

             $50,000 Team Summit Sponsors