August 3rd, 2022

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$499,129 Raised by 224 participants

We are four weeks away from the closing of fundraising, and we are less than $1,000 away from half a million dollars!!!! The good people at Prologis have a $7,500 lead on us at the moment. We have a lot of irons in the fire and I have faith we will close out this year at the top, just like we like. 

I am so grateful to all of you for the incredible camaraderie and dollars raised this year. The Come-back Tour was exactly that for me, I hope you all were able to enjoy it and feel all the emotions as powerfully as I did. 

If you missed our Team Party in Copper you may have missed a couple key details. Jan Allen, with PayTech and Earth Angel Charities has increased her donation from $25,000 to $35,000 for 2022!!! Bringing her lifetime total to $174,000 (give or take some generous side donations over the years!). Taylor Poole and Rocky Mountain Forest Products also added another $4,000 to the $50,000 bucket, bringing their 2022 total to $54,000 and the promise of support next year! Maybe we will even get some of their team on bikes 🙂


Now for a few closing thoughts

The foundation would love some feedback on the challenges you encountered on, please reply to this email with clear thoughts!

If you earned more than you got, or had other wishes and dreams, please reach out. I will try to get this reorganized this weekend and ship out any other gear next week. If we have already emailed, look for it in the mail around 8/15. 

We have tons of kids jerseys available and a lot of t-shirts. If you would like to buy anything to thank your donors or for your nieces, nephews, grandkids, friends and family, name your price. We love seeing these out there in good hands. 

We hope to keep the group rides going through the fall, if you would like to organize a ride, please shoot me a message and I will add it to Strava and

We have a dozen or so partner teams and we have at least a handful of partner foundations that support Wheels. We hope you can check out their events in the off-season too. Please check out the listings on our event page. A year is too long to wait to see each of your smiling faces again! 

And don’t forget, all donations from $2 to $20,000 in the Month of August
Will be matched, up to the first $100,000!










$2,500 Copper Sponsors


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