Everything you need to know!!
This is still not a bike race, it’s a tour, it’s an event, it’s a holiday. Don’t fly through it, stop and enjoy the wildflowers. Make a new friend, or hey make a life long friend. In 19 years of our team at the Courage Classic we have at least 2 Wheels of Justice marriages! Who knows, you might find your soul mate, lol. But seriously, if the ride isn’t challenging for you, encourage the person you pass who may be having a harder time, cheer and rally those fighting like hell to be here.
If you are a top fundraiser, or just someone looking for a tow, keep your eye out for Nick Buckley. He is sporting a Shotgun Bike Tow rope and offering to pull people up climbs. I think this is a super good perfect idea! (Chase’s favorite phrase for a day)
I also want to make mention, that I left my mom out of my story last week. While she inspires me to ride, it’s not because of her ride, it’s because of her. Let me tell you a little about my mom, Prisana Nuechterlein. I cannot imagine someone better to have in your corner, for she is one hell of a fighter and champion. She advocated for Brandon in a way that literally no one else on earth could have.
She took every crappy hand we were dealt and found a way to win.
I think one of the ugliest things we rarely talk about is the cost of your kid having cancer. The financial cost. This isn’t something that in 1998 much less today, your health insurance said “oh a Bone Marrow Transplant, absolutely no big deal”. No, to get through the actual treatment of your child you have to kick and scream with your insurance, financial aid, fundraisers, and every other avenue to make sure money isn’t why your kid isn’t treated. We were flat broke, we did not live in the United States and our definition of value was much different, however we were not well off financially. We lived on a tropical island that was pure magic and life was rich, but we were not. My parents have gone through hell and back, like many of you, somehow they found their way through.
Today the four of us, who are now the eight of us, are fiercely close. None of this would be true if it wasn’t for our Mama Bear, and my best friend. Thanks, mom!
Xoxo, Amber