Welcome to
Wheels of Justice
The Wheels of Justice cycling team rides to raise money for children fighting cancer and blood diseases. We ride in the Annual Courage Classic, this year a 2-day ride through the Rocky Mountains hosted by Children’s Hospital Colorado. Founded in 2005, our team is made up from 250 riders at every age and skill level. Our youngest rider is usually a baby, pulled along by their parents, alongside their siblings. This ride is different, this cause is different, because this hospital is different.
We aim to raise $750,000 in 2025 for the Center for Cancer & Blood Disorders at Children’s Hospital Colorado. Our money goes to fund primary pediatric oncologic research as well as mental health and wellness care for families and patients dealing with a diagnosis of cancer or blood disorders.
As of 2024, we have raised over $6.9 Million!! Come ride with us!

Courage Classic Bike Ride July 19-20, 2025

2025 Martha Riedel

You never know when you’re going to need some help. Whether it’s something simple like changing the tire on you bike, or something complicated like navigating a health issue with your child, it’s great to have someone you can depend on.
That is why I ride the courage classic every year to help fundraise for Children’s Hospital Colorado. As most of you know, we lost our daughter, Martha, after a nearly seven-year battle with cancer. Children’s was there for Martha and the Riedel family from the very beginning to the very end. Martha never let statistics affect her ability to stay hopeful that there was a path to a cure, and the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders at Children’s in Aurora was there throughout the battle providing options and supporting Martha’s desire to live.
For that, the Riedel family is eternally grateful. Despite being in treatment much of those years, and going in and out of remission multiple times, Martha had a good life. Because after her initial diagnosis she essentially grew up overnight, she then spent the years between age 13 and 20 getting sh*t-done. Martha enjoyed being outside as much as possible and at an early age fell in love with snowboarding and cycling. She raced mountain bikes for the Boulder Highschool mountain bike team for all four years she was there. Martha was an artist, she took 4 years of ceramics classes—becoming an exceptional potter— at Boulder High as well. She honed her artistic skills in numerous other mediums like watercolor, stamp carving and drawing to name a few. During the pandemic she became an extraordinary foodie who cooked her mom and dad healthy meals after all her siblings had gone away to college. You name it, if Martha could find a video on YouTube about some cool craft or project, she would do it.
Without the help of Children’s Hospital Colorado, she couldn’t have done all that. And… without that help, our family wouldn’t have witnessed Martha’s growth from a 13-year-old girl into a 20-year-old, say it like it is woman. Again, we are very grateful.
So, please help me thank Children’s Hospital Colorado for everything they do to help kids stay healthy, recover from an illness, or in Martha’s case fight for their lives.
Ned Riedel, Martha’s dad.
Previous Ride Dedications
Our Sponsors
We are so lucky to have our sponsors join us in the fight against cancer! Sponsorship levels range from Courage ($50,000), Summit ($25,000), Peak ($10,000), Elevation ($5,000), and Copper ($2,500). Sponsorship benefits range from dedicated Wheels of Justice Social Media Posts, Ads, Banners, Jerseys, and various other ways to ensure companies and organizations are recognized for their generous donation. Thank you for this year’s sponsors for continuing to provide resources for the Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders at Children’s Hospital Colorado!
Read our latest Newsletters
Save The Date – Kick Off Party 4/18
Hello Fellow Fundraisers and Cyclists, We are delighted to be in full swing again for the 2024 Courage Classic. Wheels has again been fortunate to gain sponsorship commitments from COPIC Insurance, Caruso Family Charities, and Lux Builders. We have just about 4 weeks left to capture any other potential sponsors out there and ensure they get all the benefits listed below.
March 8th 2024
Happy Friday! We have had a great start to the season in riders, registration, money and momentum, I am so excited for this year. Shout outs to Erika Joseph, Tom Gohl (who I know reads my newsletters lol, Luke Wilson and Mike Johanns (mellow-yellow) for raising over $1,000 each already!!! You’re making us look marvelous, and I thank you.
2024 Kick Off Newsletter
Good Morning! I had grand aspirations to ride outside today, but I am not Ben or Brandon, so the snow kept me in. Nonetheless, the Courage Classic is on my mind and that seemed like as good of a time as any to say hello! Registration will open March 1st, for Early Registration discount, increasing in cost usually on May 1st. A few things to wrap up 2023 as we open the doors for the 2024 ride, I have so much gratitude. We conquered the $6M milestone reaching a lifetime total of $6,250,000 raised for Children’s Hospital Colorado’s Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders.
August 11th 2023
Congratulations to everyone who was able to raise money after the Courage, we brought in an additional $32,000 during the matching period!!! Those will process this week and show on your rider pages. Earth Angel Raised an additional $17,500 from the two concerts held this summer bringing their grand total donation in 2023 to $42,500!!!!